Thursday, 20 March 2008

Friday festivities - Celebrating plurality.....

Holi, Navroz, Good Friday and Eid-e-Milad – Hindus, Parsis and Iranis, Christians and Muslims, by a quirk of incidence , have all these religious observances on the same day, Friday(21st mar2008).

A festival of revelry and colour Holi is a main festival especially in north india, among the Hindus.

Navroz, the first day of the Zoroastrian calendar, will be celebrated in a big way by Iranis and Parsis.

Good Friday will be observed by the Christians to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. This will be followed by the Easter celebrations on Sunday.

Eid-e-Milad, observed by the Muslims, is the birth as well as the death anniversary of Prophet Mohammad.

”It's nature's way of bringing together different faiths" ......... Subanallah..........

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